Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weight and size...

I know we all have picky eaters, but my wonderful cutie is a small little one probably related to the picky eating.  Anyways, I am getting really sick of other moms at the park etc. making comments about his size.  He's 5th percentile, someone has to be there.  He's been sick for a few days, but when the doctor weighed him he was only a bit over 21 lbs!  At 18 months, but she is completely unconcerned.

So what do you say when someone comments on how small your child is?

I am going to try those zucchini medallions tonight!  We got a tons of zucchini from our CSA.  I also need to find a way to get him to eat some of the green beans that we've gotten.  Thankfully he loves tomatoes.


  1. Caleb is just over 25 lbs and a little tall for his age, so I don't get many comments. I am surprised that 4 lbs makes that much difference that ppl would say something! RUDE!

  2. You know it's funny...C was tiny as an infant. 5 #s when we left the hospital and slow to gain. She's slowwwwwly caught up and at 18 months she was 25 #s and over 34". I was just telling Kirk last night that I am SO glad I don't get as many comments as I used to...but I definitely still get some! I just say, "Yeah, she's petite!" or whatever. I know it is annoying and rude!
