Friday, August 20, 2010

Behavior and eating?

I like having the lists of foods, but what do yall do as far as your behavior while your LO eats?

I liked some of the thoughts that JennyJuniper posted a while back and we've been trying to stick to them. Things like: not making eating such a big deal. We don't cheer if she eats something new and we don't make a big deal if she refuses everything on her plate. We don't reward her for eating. We simply put her food in front of her, she eats what she eats, she says, "All done" when she is done, and we get her out of her high chair.

A while back I feel like I just stopped battling her. I was sick of it. Since then it's been a lot less stressful. She won't starve. *shrug*

Also, we don't do many snacks around here...


  1. Ha! I just read my comment about her not starving and then remembered the title of the blog.

  2. Hahaha it's ok! That is my next big battle to fight with myself, honestly. I am able to do that sometimes (food on plate, acting nonchalant, he eats or he doesn't). The times that are so tough for me is when I KNOW he is truly hungry and asks me to feed him and/or refuses everything and just screams. Wtfffffff. I have to order that book Jenny recommended.

    Caleb starts a new daycare Aug 30 and I have already told Brian (DH) that I am going to go cold turkey with not feeding him....sigh....

  3. I am trying to adapt this philosophy. It's hard, but I'm doing surprisingly well so far. It is especially frustrating when she starts throwing food on the floor, but I try to be zen about the whole thing and just take the food away. Patience is something I have to work hard at, so this is giving me good practice :oP

  4. We have done time-outs for throwing food. That is SUCH a pet peeve of mine.

  5. Holly, this is what I do. I will often turn my back to him while he eats and then suggest foods that he has and he'll eat them.

    We have 2 snacks a day, occasionally 3 and they occur at the times he would have nursed or gotten a bottle outside of meal time.
