Friday, August 20, 2010

Who knew that Toddler Eating Habits would become such a big deal?

I think I have started to accept that C simply has a small appetite. So even when she loves something, she's only going to eat so much.

Our "go to" foods:
*Hot dogs
*Cheese sticks
*Kalamata Olives
*Halved Grapes
*Halved Blueberries (Hit Or Miss "HOM")
*Veggie Sticks (Come in the potato chip bag)
*Pirate's Booty
*Goldfish (My kid could live off of carbs and/or snack foods)
*Any cracker or chip
*Peas (HOM)
*Pizza (I make home-made pizza a lot, we go out for pizza a lot, and sometimes I make mini pizzas for C using an English Muffin)
*Quesadilla (HOM)
*Pimiento Cheese Sandwich (HOM)
*Almost any dried fruit: Blueberries, Craisins, Raisins, Yogurt covered raisins, etc.
*Banana (FINALLY!)
*Pepperoni (We've done regular and turkey and we buy the bags of the "minis" which are perfect. They are about the size of a nickel.)

Lately we'll offer her something new and she will get so excited and actually eat some. I think she's gotten bored with her current food rotation (who wouldn't?!). This week she actually ate some Spaghetti Pie Casserole (first time she didn't spit pasta out) and she got really excited about the rice we had at the Mexican restaurant last night.

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